Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let's Just Face It!

Let's just get the disclaimer out of the way and maybe I will feel a little less guilty about it having announced it to the blogging world. I am a terrible blogger. It's not that I don't want to write. I LOVE to write!

My issue is.........


1. Yes, I take lots of pix of my new kiddo. I love him lots and I want to record this time of his life. Hence the guilt for not blogging.

2.I want to stay updated and in touch with friends I get to see and talk to far too infrequently.

.....But being a full-time working mommy of a 3-month old, wife of a busy husband, primary house-keeper and cook of my household, and other things I just don't have the time. I would love to give daily (or even weekly!) updates about my world and pretty it up with a nice fancy template but that is far too much to ask. I just can't be bothered to do it.

So I will do my best. I love ya'll and hopefully I won't completely fall off the blogging wagon.

So there. I said it.